An emergent home of today that invites visitors to learn essential survival skills and urges their participation in mitigating the environmental crisis.
This project begins from the premise that climate change is not slowed. Rising seas, severe weather, drought, forest fire among others has displaced millions of people world wide.
Refugees overwhelmed urban areas and cities have collapsed.
Disease has flourished in the chaos and is spreading along refugee migration paths.
This project focuses on the survivors who will need to devise systems to survive and, ultimately, prevent humanity from loosing all it's worked so hard to create.
Interaction Design
Wood Fabrication
The entire class participated in the design process
I was responsible for:
Decontamination Shower
Stove/Fire Simulator
Contagion Map
Decontamination Shower
Following the collapse of urban infrastructure, healthcare systems will be diminished or non-existent
Bacteria and viruses that had previously been well managed will flourish and follow refugee migration paths
A safe and secure compound needs a threshold that controls the entry and exit points
A decontamination shower prevents people from carrying any stowaways into the compound
An inline air duct fan is located above the user
The fan is turned on when the chain is pulled
This simulates a decontamination shower that would other wise be a mixture of bleach and water
Wood Fabrication
Fire Simulator
Following civic collapse, people will no longer have natural gas pipelines or electricity to power stoves, lights and furnaces
People will revert to burning combustable materials until systems can be reestablished
The wood stove is one of the most prolific ways of maintaining controlled indoors fires
Using a microphone loud noises are picked up and an LED is illuminated to indicate that the fire is lit
The user assembles the elements of a fire in the stove: tinder, kindling, sticks
The user scrapes a faro rods to create a spark that would otherwise ignite the fire
The user fans the flame
As the faro rod is sparking the LED flickers. When the flame is fanned the LED stays illuminated to show that the fire was successfully lit.
Wood Fabrication
Contagion Map
This map charts in America the way the events unfolded overtime
Indicated on the map are:
Rising sea levels
Refugee migration paths
Desertified land
Severe storms
Collapsed cities
Major conflicts
Within the project it was necessary for us to chart the path to the future in which we purport will exist.
It was essential that people were able to understand our story quickly but also convey concisely some plausible details that our research pointed to.